Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Wales Lacrosse at the British Nationals.

Good luck to both of the Wales Squads this weekend at the Nationals. To be held on the 2nd and 3rd May 2009 at Wilmslow Lacrosse Club.

Whilst both the Senior Squad and the Development Squad are new combinations they both have strong players.

See you there.

Coaching is not just for the Americans

Have you used the services of a Coach?

Would you engage the services of a Coach?

It is often said that coaching is predominantly an American ideal. Whilst it began in the USA many people in other countries have found the benefit of highly personalised development of great value.

If you answered YES or NO to either or both of the above I would like to read your comments.

Training and development budgets.


In a downturn of any kind I am often greeted by the statement "Ah yes, training and development money is the first to be cut."

I see some evidence of this as less well placed businesses close, but on the whole I experience people who simply want more specific development that targets their immediate needs and greater value for money.

What do you think? Are you a supplier or purchaser of training and development?